© 2025 — Parker Creative

Your Website – Does it Need Revamping?

Are you looking at your website and considering redoing it? STOP! Before you spend tons of time and money revamping your website or creating a new one, you need to have a plan of action in place. This is the beginning of our series of blogs about “Revamping your Website” that’ll help you put plan together in order to help you avoid pitfalls that can cost you big time. In this series, we will outline questions you need to answer for updating your website to make it the best it can be.  

Man sitting on a tree stump looking deep in thoughtThere are a lot of things to consider when you are thinking about creating a website, many of which are crucial aspects to the foundation of your brand online. Before you start on this endeavor though, the very first step is understanding that creating a website requires thought, planning, and input by you. Knowing the answers to some pertinent questions will help you create a visitor-friendly, informative, authoritative, and easily navigated website that draws visitors in and sells your business, service, or product. 

Two women working on a computer with a male in the background also working on a computerWhen planning your site, ultimately, you are the captain of a team and are in control of the final outcome. You, the designer, and the developer comprise the team. There may be other team members too depending on the size of the site but, during the planning stage, you work with the designer to create the website plan. A good designer needs answers to many aspects of the site and will huddle with you to make sure the plan meets your needs, wants, and desires. After the plan is complete, your input is minimized and your team members can do the rest. Your time going forward will only be needed to check the site at designated milestones. The designer will hand the finalized plan off to the website developer, who then builds the website with a clear direction and path to follow.  Finally comes the exciting time to go live. You will want to check your live site to make sure it meets your expectations. While creating a plan seems tedious, it saves time in the long run; that is why it is so important to have a plan first. 

Here at Parker Creative LLC logo we are dedicated to educating anyone willing to listen on website best practices and guiding you step by step in making your website plan is our passion. Anyone has the potential to better their online presence, and we want to help by providing the correct tools to assist you with your journey. 

This is just the beginning of our series of blogs that delve into the questions you should be asking yourself while planning your site. Each blog will cover one or two questions to help with fully understanding what creating a website entails, as well as a short description as to why the questions are so important. 

Check back next week where we will go into the first questions pertaining to planning and how that relates to you and your team. If you want further information about the questions we are asking or want more assistance planning your redesign then, go to our Contact Page to find out the best way to send us your inquiries. We will be more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have to better assist you with your website needs.