© 2024 — Parker Creative

E-Commerce Setup & Maintenance

Setting up your e-commerce store can seem overwhelming, and you might be tempted to set up your e-commerce store on an external industry-specific site that is touted as one that “most businesses use in this industry.” Have you heard that before? Be aware that these industry-specific sites direct your customers away from your business and your branding to your competitors by providing links to your competitor’s sites.

You would be better off creating your store within your website to keep your customers on your site and to “Brand” your store better.

If you go with an industry store site, here is what happens when a customer goes to your website and presses the button to Shop or View Your Store.

  1. They go out to a different website that is branded differently.
  2. YOUR customer goes away from YOUR business
  3. Now they are on a different business website.
  4. That site shows your customer several other places to shop in your industry.

Keep your customers inside your website by creating a store with your branding. Viewers are more likely to convert into a sale on your site when you create a store inside of your site.

E-commerce Maintenance is easy once your store gets set up with images, descriptions, and prices. But it can be time-consuming, and if the data is not entered correctly, it can become unmanageable quickly. Why take YOUR time away from YOUR business by spending it on data entry and maintaining your e-commerce store?

Contact us today for a quote!