© 2025 — Parker Creative

Do you have a URL yet?

Helpful hints on choosing a good URL.

  1. Keep it simple. Choose a URL that is short, descriptive, and simple to remember. You will be re-typing this URL, so save yourself and your future site visitors’ keystrokes and keep it as short as possible while keeping it descriptive.
  2. Make it memorable so it sticks in your site visitor’s minds, and will still be meaningful ten years from now.
  3. Keep away from confusing spellings that will get typed backward if the site visitor is not careful.
  4. Get a .com whenever possible because most website visitors assume your URL ends in .com. If the .com is unavailable, you will have to spend a little time getting your site visitors to realize you are not a .com.
  5. Some websites may need the .net, .org, and .info and then re-direct those URL’s to your .com. You may not want someone else to have those URLs.

I have used Bluehost as a hosting company for years. I highly recommend them for both purchasing your URL and hosting your site.
You can use the tool below to check for available Domain Names, then contact Bluehost.com to purchase that Domain.